I have now returned from my field-trip to Scotland and have a few thousand photographs to catalogue. So it is time to reflect on what I achieved work-wise and image-wise. I thought the first thing I should do is pick out a top ten selection of photographs. These are not necessarily the best photographs, in quality or technique, but they are the ones that I consider as capturing the essence of my days in the field, the places I visited and the wildlife I saw.
And now that I have posted them I have already thought of others which could just as easily have fitted the bill.
Stac Pollaidh from Beinn nan Eoin
Kyle of Durness from the summit of Beinn Spionnaidh.
Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria - with snow on the Cairngorms in the background.
A Dunlin Calidris alpina - on breeding grounds on a hilltop in the eastern hills
A Mountain leveret Lepus timidus - lies motionless, as they do all day, for concealment from predators.
Mountain Avens Dryas octopetala - on a Sutherland coastal cliff.
Wild Pansies Viola tricolor - a dense bloom in sand dunes.
Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla - juveniles soon after fledging.
Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta - a hen steps over boulders in the Cairngorms.

Golden Plover chicks - puffs of gold, the most beautiful of wader chicks.
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