I made a stock check at the weekend of what possums were sleeping where in the garden. These are common brush-tailed possums which are common in suburban Canberra. The one above is a young male which was in a nestbox above the logpile. He came down willingly for a piece of bread and jam.
The next four shots are of a mother with her well grown youngster which were sleeping in one of the boxes in the back garden. She came out first and waited for the young one to climb out after her. The boxes were put up to encourage rosellas, crimson or eastern, to nest in the garden. However,the possums found the soft pine wood easy to chew and they quickly enlarged the entrance holes to fit them, and they have subsequently taken them all over. They use them for alternative roost holes used in rotation, although they do use one or other box for long periods before shifting.
Once out the young one quickly clambered onto the mother's back.
Then off they went up the tree and through the continuous canopy of the trees along the back fence.
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