Monday, 21 March 2011

Toilet wildlife

I was camping out at the Weddin Mountains at the weekend, catching birds - more later. We arrived after dark and set up the tents then explored around, including in and around the long-drop toilet. There were some wonderful creatures there.

Several Perons Tree Frogs were sitting on the wall and one was in the overflow pipe of the water tank. I even had a frog on the inside canopy of my tent. They have splendid yellow and black stripes on the inside of their thighs which show up bright when they jump.

And there was a beautiful Barking Gecko, which seemed to live a in crack at the edge of the concrete base. This species reserves fat in its tail, and this specimen had a very fine supply.

 Then of course there were lots of spiders, red-backs in below dark corners and a huge orb-weaver round the back with a several metres-wide web.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

More Time Out

Went to see Santana in Melbourne last night at the Rod laver Arena - that's where they hold the tennis open. Must be one of my favourite venues, big enough to hold a stadium set as it was when we saw the Stones there a few years ago, and yet just right for a party atmosphere as with Santana. And we had seats next to the stage, very nice thank you.

Today after joining with the Melbourne people in their favourite pastime of sitting in a chic street cafe for breakfast, we went up the Eureka Tower to the 88th of 91 floors,

and looked down...

 and over the city, with Flinders St Station and the river Yarra 'way below...

Monday, 14 March 2011

Time out

Field work is less demanding at this time of year, in between studies in Australia and Scotland. Which means I have time for a social life, so the family went out for a walk around the city last weekend to look at the various light shows organised by ENLIGHTMENT, the Canberra light festival  and created by The Electric Canvas, led by Peter Milne.  The buildings used as canvases were the National Gallery of Australia, The National Library, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House and Parliament House, all within an easy walk around the lawns between them. 
The globe which hangs outside the Art Gallery looked like a meteor about to crash into building and the images spread on the walls came from the latest exhibition of costumes from the Ballets Russes.

The National Library was lit with very clever images such as these of marbled endpapers and bookshelves hanging over the entry steps.
The Old Houses of Parliament were lit in a variety of different styles, from Graffiti of political slogans to photomontages of prime ministers. Lots of people were out and about, walking like us or giving slow drive-pasts.  
The New Houses of parliament looked like stonehenge when an image of Arthur Boyd's 'Untitled (Shoalhaven Landscape)' was projected onto the front facade. The original 1984 oil on canvas hangs inside the building and the tapestry for which it was a plan hangs there in the Great Hall.

All credit for the artwork to The Electric Canvas thanks guys....

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Mole Crickets

The insects in the garden have had a good breeding year after all the rain. And now at dusk the mole crickets are firing up into a wondeful deafening song. Its great to hear them so loud again. There are several in the lawn, sitting snug in their burrows. I can feel the vibrations if I creep up close and can pin point the burrow entrances. The insects are several cm long, but seldom seen.

Click on the link above to hear them sing.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Dainty Swallowtail Butterfly hatch

The garden has been full of butterflies this summer and the next generation is now hatching. Here are a few images of a Dainty Swallowtail Papilio anactus, hatching after eating the orange tree in the back patio.

As she was on the underside of the tree and in shade, I reflected sunlight up onto her to photograph her in fresh light. She greatly appreciated that and soon warmed up; stretched and shivered her wings, then took off. 

There are more to follow.