Showing posts with label Western Australia flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Australia flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Perth Hills Flora - GALLERY 3

Pink Enamel Orchid Elythranthera emarginata
The petals really loook like they are glazed - and this one a bit chipped

Scented Sun Orchid Thelymitra macrophylla
These were growing on metre-tall stems
They open in the sun, hence only a few were fully open in the dappled woodland light

Blue Lady Orchid Thelymitra crinita
There were blooms about every 10 m as far as I could see

Purple Flag Patersonia occidentalis
Not an orchid, but just as colourful

Black Eyed Susan Tetratheca hirsuta
These flowers are typical of the species, hanging down rather than facing up into the light

Gompholobiuim shuttleworthii
One of two pink members of the Pea family, Fabaceae, in the Perth Hills

White Banjine Pimelea ciliata 
Like many of the common shrubs, these flowers are worth stopping to look at closely

Hibbertia pachyrrhiza
A low ground creeping species, hiding in the undergrowth  

Hairy Yellow Pea Gompholobium tomentosum
A yellow shrubby member of the Pea family

Bristly Cottonhead Conostylis setosa
Only a few centimetres high but it catches the eye

Bristly Yellow Featherflower Verticordia acerosa
The pollinated flowers turn red, emphasising the yellow of the fresh flowers

Beaufortia macrostemon
A member of the Myrtle family with no common name
The whole bush was aflame