Last weekend I was at helping to catch and band birds at a study site in the forest near Moruya in south-
east New South Wales. The project is run by Micheal and Sarah Guppie, and Anthony Overs. Above is
one of the main study species, a Variegated Fairy-Wren (adult male).

The breeding season is almost over so there were many young birds such as the juvenile White-naped
Honeyeater on the right above, whose plumage is much duller than that of the adult on the left.
Another of the honeyeater species was the New Holland Honeyeater, a bird which favours to feed on
the nectar of banksias. These birds have splendid detail in their facial plumage.
Below is an adult male Mistletoebird, which has a wonderful red breast and the sheen on its back is a
rich deep metalic blue, appat from on the primaries and central tail feathers which are dull grey-brown.
Another shining bird was the Shining Bronze-Cuckoo. Even the bars on its breast have a greenish
And one of the last birds we caught was a Black-faced Monarch Flycatcher, an adult as identified by
its fully black face markings.